Thursday, November 16, 2006

Congress lies about taxes

The new congress wants to increase taxes on BIG oil and BIG business. We live in a free enterprise economy and that means a business can not pay taxes. Taxes can only be collected for the government as a cost of doing business.

So, if congress increases the tax on a hamburger by $.25 each, the burger business will be forced to increase the price to citizens by $.50. This cost is higher than the tax because business enterprises and Corporations have expenses called overhead. This overhead expense pays rents, insurance, utilities, salaries, services and other costs. So, the BIG business has a 50% overhead and we will pay twice the tax charged in our retail price.

This applies to each and every product from food to vacations and medical services. Congress would like us to believe that there really is a free lunch, they are in denial that any tax increase will be paid from large bloated profits.

Congress really knows the truth that business enterprises or corporations can not absorb inreased taxes from profits without becoming non-competitive and close down like some airline and steel manufacturing companies. What congress will not admit is they know this is a very regressive tax and falls mainly on the poor because they spend all their income on consumption. Middleclass and others invest some of their money and avoid hidden taxes.

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